3,067 ViewsIt has been a good 7 months since I started using Shopback and I’m still loving it! This is a follow up entry to my last review 5 months ago where I introduced ShopBack to my readers after receiving my first payout. From my first payout of $24.28, this amount has increased by 4
Tips for planning a Road Trip (Hokkaido Case Study)
7,463 ViewsAs promised, I will be writing an entry to share several tips on how to effectively plan for a road trip overseas. Although it has been 7 months overdue but.. better late than never 😉 Just to share, this self-drive Hokkaido trip is my first ever road trip with friends (been on one with
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Confessions of a data roaming addict
1,800 ViewsAs time goes by, mobile phones are becoming increasing important in our daily lives (read the evolution of my mobile phones in my previous post). Apart from the fundamental uses of mobile phone (making calls and sending SMS), a huge bulk of our handphone usage is actually spent on surfing social media sites, playing
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South Korea
How to Earn Rebates from your Holiday in Korea with Trazy
1,685 ViewsEver since I won my first fully-sponsored vacation to South Korea (Asian on Air 2012) and my bloggers-invite to Kota Kinabalu by Sutera Harbour and Sabah Tourism Board, I’ve been wanting and dreaming to transform my passion for traveling into something profitable like a travel start-up. Months and years went by and it was still
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Travel Tips
Working Holiday – Work & Travel USA Program
2,088 ViewsNotice: Dear reader, please note that most of the photos in my blog are currently not available. They are currently held hostage by Photobucket (which requires me to pay $399USD/year). I am in the process of re-uploading the images on a different host and this will take some time. If you have any burning
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Splurging $5,000 on a 30-day Europe Trip.
20,205 ViewsIt has been a long procrastination but here I am with my financials for my 30-day semi-budget Europe Trip back in 2012. I’ve divided my expenditure into 6 different categories as seen below. The expenditure for each category seems to be quite evenly proportioned and accommodation I took up a larger pie of the entire budget. $1172
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Travel Tips
Volume 4: Are you feeling confused with travel insurance?
2,704 ViewsIf you find yourself reading this entry, I’m pretty sure that at some point in your life, you ever had that dilemma on whether you should buy travel insurance or not. Well for me, coming from a rather conservative family, the rule of the thumb is to buy. In fact, my mum will always
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Travel Tips
Volume 3: Confessions of a budget airline ticket hunter
4,667 ViewsIt’s been a while since the last time I’ve written those random articles: Volume 1 – Greatest fears while on a vacation and Volume 2 – Mind of the Wandering Traveler. I don’t know if anyone reads them but here is my third entry – CONFESSIONS OF A BUDGET AIRLINE TICKET-HUNTER! The cost of Air travel