Taking it slow in Taiwan for 6D5N – Taipei and Taichung

465 ViewsLast year, I embarked on a brave adventure to bring the folks overseas for the first time post-pandemic. In all honesty, the desire to travel could have been an inherited trait from my parents as they too, loved to travel. When I was a child, they used to plan for family vacations at least

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Post-covid Taiwan – Oct 2022 – 5D4N Taipei – Kaohsiung

1,635 ViewsI’m back from my most normalised travel since covid where it was a 100% Free & Easy (slightly budget) trip that is not a solo trip. As my previous Taiwan itinerary posts were pretty popular, I thought that I should repeat the style and hopefully people would find the content useful and I can

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Cafe Waiting Love Filming Location – Cafe in Taipei

16,388 ViewsNotice: Dear reader, please note that most of the photos in my blog are currently not available.  They are currently held hostage by Photobucket (which requires me to pay $399USD/year). I am in the process of re-uploading the images on a different host and this will take some time. If you have any burning

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