Work and Travel Australia for Singaporeans



Next round of application will start on 2 Oct 2017!

1st round of application (125 vacancies) which started on 1st August was full within 1 hour of launch!


Important information to note:

  • Only 500 slots are available per year
  • Requires degree or at least completed 2 years of undergraduate studies
  • Visa Subclass 462 will cost you AUD $440 (approx $484 SGD)

Click to apply (after 1st August 2017)


According to the Tripzilla article that I read this afternoon, I found out that Australia is finally opening up the “Working Holiday” programme for Singaporeans!

This post might seem a little messy because.. I’m kind of overly excited right now!

(Just for reference) I screenshot the following information from the embassy website (which they have yet to update) which states that Singaporeans are not eligible. This piece of information made me upset n years ago when I was thinking of going Australia for this programme.

Anyway, according to the statement issued on the 2nd of June,  there will be 500 places set aside for Working Holiday Visa for Singaporeans. I did another screen capture below from The Business Times to verify the information.

Just FYI – As of 5 June, the Australian embassy and visa websites have not been updated yet so I guess we have to wait.

While we are waiting for further updates and information, I’ve compiled a list of useful information so the kiasu people can start planning.


  • Between 18 to 30 years of age
  • Have enough money to support yourself (5000 AUD)
  • Have enough money to buy a return ticket

Visa Fees

  • $520 AUD ($440 + $80)

Visa Processing Time

  • 12 to 30 days

Eligible Countries

Visa Sub Class 462

  • Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, China, People’s Republic of, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United States of America, Uruguay, Vietnam

*Singapore to be added to the list of Sub Class 462 from 1 Aug 2017

Visa Sub Class 417

Belgium, Canada, Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (including British National Overseas passport holders), Republic of Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom.

What is the difference between 417 and 462 Subclass?

How do the visa requirements vary?

  • 462 visas have education requirements, while 417 visas do not. See more information about these requirements here.
  • 462 visas require a letter of support from your government of origin (unless you’re from the U.S.), while 417 visas do not. See more information about that requirement here.
  • 462 visas also require evidence of functional English, while 417 visas do not. More information here.

Does the maximum length of stay vary?

Yes! This is one of the most significant differences between 417 and 462 visas. Those holding a 417 visa are eligible to apply for a second yearlong working holiday visa if they complete three months of specified work in regional Australia. You can learn more about this specified work option here. 462 visa holders can not apply for a second year work and holiday visa.

Information retrieved from:

Useful Websites

Blogs that have been on the programme

Ramblings from Me

Ever since my Work & Travel experience in USA back in 2010, I’ve been itching for another experience and a few years back when I had the thought again, I realised that Singapore was not in the list of eligible countries for Australia’s “Working Holiday”, whereas our neighbouring countries like Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia was part of the list. It was a little unbelievable that Singapore was not in the list but oh wells, better late than never!

I did have a thought of trying out the working holiday in New Zealand but the timing was always not correct as you will have to apply in November for the following year the the visa runs from Jan to Dec plus there were only 200 visas up for grabs each year and I never seem to be able to quit my job and go for it but..

Right now (in this point of my life), me applying for the Australia one (provided that the 1st Aug 2017 date remains valid) is kind of a 50-50 possibility and I decided to write this blog post as a reference to myself on all the important links and information that I need to keep track with regards to the application. I will constantly update this list if I find further information and perhaps like-minded individuals who are thinking of going for this program can contact me too?

Last Update: 6th June 2017

Latest Update (July 2017) – Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be applying the Working Holiday to Australia this year (2017). If you do manage to go for it, do come back and share your experience in the comments section below so others can read! Thank You~~ 

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  • Hey, im interested in applying for the work holiday visa too. Glad to know theres other singaporean joining too. Do u know if we can apply online or we have to go to the embassy?

    • Hi there! Thanks for leaving a comment~~ Sadly things have changed and I won’t be applying for the program this year anymore.
      I’ve been trying to get more information about visa application but I realise that the embassy website hasn’t uploaded any information regarding Singapore yet. Perhaps the information will be available on 1st Aug, the date that this program will be starting? From the information I’ve found so far (for the other countries applicants), the application process and payment has to be done online.

    • I think it has to be done in person, though. The 462 visa infopage on states that only US applicants can apply online for the first WHV, though i’m not too sure atm since it’s rather ambiguous..

      • Yep, no information relating to singapore has been uplaoded in their website yet. I guess we can only wait for 1st Aug.

    • Hi Jasmine, the embassy website is now updated and application starts from 1st Aug! I have updated the link in my blog~

  • Hello! Just wondering, has anyone received the work holiday visa, or is planning to apply for it in 2018? 🙂 I’ve received the visa and looking to link up with others who are also going 😀

    • Hi there, congrats on getting the visa! Hope you will be able to find someone who is going for the programme too =)

    • Nice blog by the way! Very informative and I’m sure it will be useful if I ever get a chance to go Australia for working holiday~~

  • Hi,
    I intend to apply work holiday visa for in 2018. Does anyone know the process of applying for the visa? can we apply it online? what documents is needed to apply?

  • Hi i was wondering if you could enlighten me about your opinion on the idea of someone doing working holiday for 2 months!Please advice thanks

    • Hello! Thanks for finding my blog but it’s a little difficult to answer your question. Having a working holiday experience is definitely a fruitful experience and I myself did the USA one for 3 months many years ago. It’s pretty fun to stay in another country and somewhat live like a local temporary for a few months. However, that being said, it also depends on what sacrifices you make for that two months. E.g. are you a student giving up an internship opportunity, looking for full time job, mid-career break etc. If you have the time and money, I would definitely encourage the idea of a working holiday! That being said, I have not been on the program in Australia and I can’t comment on that experience but I had a great time in USA! Would love to go for the australia experience some day but I have no capacity to quit my job and take a break right now. Not sure if my answer helps but I guess the answer lies within yourself. If you have nothing holding you back, go for it!

  • Hey,
    im interested in applying for the work holiday visa . Do u know if I can apply online or Ihave to go to the embassy? I am not in Singapore now.
    Are your a Agent?

    • Hello, I am not familiar with the actual process as I’ve not tried it out before. You might want to check the links in my blog post to find out more.