[Filming Locations] At Cafe 6 – Taiwan Movie – 六弄咖啡館


Following the success of “You are the Apple of my Eye”, “Cafe Waiting Love” and “Our Times”, “At Cafe 6” is the next taiwanese high school love story to hit the big screens after being a very successful novel. If you haven’t watched the movie, and cannot stand spoilers, please do not continue reading as I might be divulging some secrets in the movie along the way.

This movie did not receive skyhigh ratings, unlike 2015’s Our Times which was an instant hit. Over time, the popular endings for dramas/movies are always happy endings because if it wasn’t a happy ending, people will write in to scold the scriptwriters and director for their decision. For this case, the ending was pretty realistic, but far too shocking for the audience to accept. I was pretty upset at the end of the movie, wondering why the author had to choose such an ending. Another unsettling feeling you get while watching the movie would definitely be the accent of the lead actor and actress. I’m not sure if I was being too sensitive but the accent was distinctly not taiwanese. Well, if the lead was introduced as a foreign student or transfer student, I could have accepted the accent more but the lead in the show was acting as an ordinary Taiwanese high schoolboy. The female lead too, had a few lapses (lesser than the male lead) which made us wondered if there’s a possibility that she was not Taiwanese too. Anyway, it turns out that the male lead is from China and the female lead is from Hong Kong. It is nothing terribly wrong but it definitely made the atmosphere of the movie weird when the distinctive accent surfaced =/

Anyway, I shall move on to share with you the filming locations of this movie as case movie buffs or boliao people like myself would like to know.

The Cafe which was featured at the start and end of the movie (which represents like present day)

1. Mooya Cafe 沐鴉咖啡 (known as 六弄咖啡館 in the movie)

No. 8, Lane 19, Yitong St, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104

Opening Hours
Wednesdays to Mondays: 12 – 10PM; Closed on Tuesdays

Contact Number
+886 2 2507 9718

Facebook Page

Picture above is retrieved from Google Maps

Judging from the reviews, this cafe is slightly on the pricey side but it definitely has a chilly and relaxing vibe to it. Sadly, the crowd is likely to increase now that the movie is out.

Directions from Ximen Station

2. Rebirth Cafe & Restaurant 橙色九月 (Work place of female lead)

No. 2, Lane 48, Wenzhou St, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106

Opening Hours
12PM – 2AM, Daily

Contact Number
+886 2 2366 0985

Facebook Page

Picture above is retrieved from Google Maps

This cafe may be a little more familiar as it was featured in more scenes of the movie. This was the workplace of the female lead when she was studying in Taipei and the male lead will visit her often in this cafe and there’s this awkward “memorable” quote where the girl says that a lot of places serves Cappuccinos that are too sweet. To be honest, I can’t understand why this was repeated like twice or thrice in the movie. I can’t understand the significance of this quote. To be honest, now I look back, my mind is pretty much in a mess as the development of the female lead and coffee was pretty abrupt. Like she found a part time job and hey it’s in a cafe and the next thing she gets obsessed with coffee and suddenly magic and the next thing you know, her newfound dream is to visit Seattle to visit a famous cafe. When the female lead talks about how the male lead ain’t growing up together with her.. I’m like.. because he can’t understand coffee? The next thing you know is that the BFF (who had 0 connections with coffee for the entire movie) went on to set up a coffee shop in memory of him; for her. Anyway, if you do not agree with me, please do not feel offended. I might have to watch it again to review my emotions and their dialogues. I might have been too distracted with the accent to pay attention to more important details. Sorry for the random rant. Just a few thoughts in my head that I couldn’t sort out..

Directions from Ximen Station

Photos & Information Retrieved & Translated from: http://star.ettoday.net/news/744738


Both cafes are very convenient and easy to visit from Taipei city. Both cafes are within 30 minutes travel time from Ximen Station unlike the one in Cafe Waiting Love which was further down south of Taipei. I guess it would be easy to pay a visit to both cafes.. when I visit Taiwan! My last visit was 6 years ago..

Anyway, I do have more information about the other filming locations of this movie but I don’t find them as appealing as the ones above. I’ll just do a summary and blog on demand (if requested).


  • Dessert shop where second female lead and second male lead had dessert.
    This same shop was featured in Jay Chou’s 天台 Rooftop movie.
    813, Taiwan, 高雄市左營區西陵街116號

Information Credit: http://kaohsiung.talk.tw/Article.aspx?Article_ID=180

  • cafe6location
    The place they cycle past after school
    Address:高雄市左營區緯八路 Weiba Road, Kaohsiong
  • The place that they met before the movie date (under the tree)
    Address: 高雄市左營區緯六路 Weiliu Road, Kaohsiong
  • Female Lead Hostel Dormitory entrance
    National Chengchi University, Jhi Xi Building國立政治大學志希樓
  • Train Station that male lead is at to get on the train to Taipei
    南州火車站 Nanzhou Station

Information Credit: here

Anyway, while I was googling, I found the author and his web-story of 32 chapters. If you wish to, you can start from Chapter 1 (written in Aug 2007) : http://hiyawu.pixnet.net/blog/post/7221539

To those who have been wondering why the movie title is as such (No idea why this whole portion is left out from the movie), the author explained the title in his last chapter and I extracted a portion out and translated it (in the best way I can):

Six (Lanes/Alley) of Life

Life is like walking down a small alley, each crossroad/junction (i think) can be a way out or it can also be a dead end

Born in a not so normal family (single-parent), is my life’s first 弄 (lane/junction/alley)

Falling in love with you, is my life’s second 弄 (lane/junction/alley)

The 360km which was bound to happen/destined to be, is my life’s third 弄 (lane/junction/alley)
I don’t know what’s the interpretation of this. Was it his crazy motorbike ride to Taipei? I need to read his web-story to find out.. Don’t remember the movie having anything about 360km.

Losing you (the female lead), is my life’s fourth 弄 (lane/junction/alley)

Mum’s death, is my life’s fifth 弄 (lane/junction/alley)

In these 5 弄 (lane/junction/alley), I am unable to see the supposed exit. The only thing that appears in front of me, is the dead end.


It’s time to end it all, it’s time to say goodbye.

Goodbye, earth, is my life’s  sixth 弄 (lane/junction/alley).

I’m trying to think of a better word/explanation for the concept of 弄. I guess it can mean turning point, various stages in life or a certain “milestone”. It’s funny how the more I think, the more this story sets into me. I guess I will have to read the web-story for a better understanding. The story line might not have been that bad after all. It might just be the movie..


Feel free to voice out your comments of the movie below or let me know if you have visited any of their filming locations before!

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