Part 6: Cruising through Milan & Venice


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We took a 9am easy jet flight from Paris to Milan. So some of you all might be wondering what is there to do in Milan? To be honest, there isn’t much.. Just the Doumo and the Last Supper Painting but we decided to fly here because the air tickets were cheaper as compared to flying to Venice directly. Furthermore, we managed to find cheap accommodation for a night!

Milan Hotel (The 2nd and last hotel we stayed the whole trip):

(Booked from (no deposit required)) and it was just 81 euros for a triple bed room =) Comes with free buffet breakfast =D Also, it was within walking distance from the train station. HOWEVER, do take note that it’s a little complicated from the airport to this place because I kind of assumed that town = near the train station and this was a really bad assumption and we ended up at the wrong place and we had to take another bus ride. Honestly, we paid 1.50 euros per bus ride and the ticket has to be purchased in a tobacco/magazine shop.

However, to our disappointment, the air conditioning was not working and there was barely any wind.. But I always feel that “xin jing zi ran lian” so we survived the night eventually. The awesome breakfast the following day made up for the aircon-less and fan-less night!

Day 15 / Wednesday  (Only day in Milan) 

After settling down in the hotel, we went to somewhere nearby for lunch and then took the metro (1.50 euros again) to the Duomo.

Cathedral (Duomo) A breathtaking sight and a must-see if in Milan. This structure took almost 600 years to build and is the largest in Italy - fourth largest in the World. At the time it was built it could hold the entire population of Milan, 40, photo 545024_10151092556886209_668561435_n.jpg

Cathedral (Duomo) – A breathtaking sight and a must-see if in Milan. This structure took almost 600 years to build and is the largest in Italy – fourth largest in the World. At the time it was built it could hold the entire population of Milan, 40,000 people. The exterior is striking with it’s many spires and statuary – the interior is just massive.

Be careful of those people feeding the pigeons. They treat us like we’ve never seen pigeons before, and they throw the pop corn seeds to your feet so the pigeons will fly over to irritate you! @_@

Grand Bronze Door with exquisite sculpting. One of the largest bronze doors that ever existed?

Grand Bronze Door with exquisite sculpting. One of the largest bronze doors that ever existed? photo 532167_10151092559116209_809119721_n.jpg

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele IILuxury Shopping area beside the Duomo CathedralThe highlight: Prada Shop since 1913
 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele IILuxury Shopping area beside the Duomo CathedraThe highlight: Prada Shop since 1913l photo 318087_10151092558691209_1479551294_n.jpg
For sheer belle ?poque splendor, this extravagant 19th-century glass-topped, barrel-vaulted tunnel serves as a lively, noisy and colorful shopping mall, teeming with life and inviting you to people-watching from the tables that spill from the Galleri photo 532332_10151092561111209_1357692273_n.jpg
Introducing to you.. Gelato #1  – The ice cream shop beside the Mac’s inside this mall. Can’t remember the flavours I took but I think i ate sorbet.
Gelato number 1 in Milan! photo 465721_10151018546906209_421701975_o.jpg
We did not have any plans in Milan so we spent the remaining time shopping~ Do re-visit the duomo at sunset as I like the glistering golden sunshine on the building.
I like :D photo 539837_10151092562406209_505879093_n.jpg
Random story to share: According to some language guide I had, they told me that “Prego” means thanks. So.. when the waitress was giving us the bill, I said “Prego” to her and she laughed it off and said that “Prego” would mean like keep the change (which was quite a lot). Then I googled and apparently “Prego” could mean “please”.. Aww. It was such an awkward situation but at least she knew we didn’t mean it that way =p
The shopping there had the usual brands.. Zara, Mango, blah blah blah.. all the same so we almost saw the same thing throughout Europe. LOL. It has its pros and cons.. the pros is. you can always change your mind and buy the item in another city =p the cons.. shopping gets boring, but then again shopping is never enough =p =p =p (if your luggage and wallet can afford it)
Day 16 / Thursday  (Venice Day 1) 
Took the 927 train and we managed to reach Venice at 1045am.  (29 euros)
TIP: Book your train tickets very extremely early! You will be able to qualify for the early-bird discounts which is really trip (Which made me save a lot of money despite not purchasing euro rail) Do google for some really useful guides which teachers you how to navigate in the not-so-user-friendly trenitlia website.
Hot, Hot, HOT VENICE greeted us when we reached. The sun was so bright and sunny and we had to drag our luggage 10 mins to our accommodation.
Venice Hostel: Alloggi Gerotto Calderan
** Do take note that you have to pay tourist tax of 2 euros per person per night in cash..  >_<
Hostel was decent, with attached toilet but with a almost non-existent air cooler? But then again, the best part was the free wifi! We couldn’t check in till after 2, so we left our luggage at the storage area.
Yes, Venice – the never ending bridges.
Venice! I think the number of bridges I've crossed in Venice and Amsterdam is more than the number of bridges I've crossed in 10 years! photo 282974_10151092582171209_1239164261_n.jpg
Gelato #2 at GROM in Venice.
GROM (actually i can’t totally be certain that this ice cream was GROM) anyway, its quite a well known brand so you’ll never go wrong with the taste. but price wise.. hmm.
Gelato number 2 in Venice~ photo 477445_10151018548356209_384680741_o.jpg
All-so-expensive-gondola-ride-which-my-wallet-protests-against photo 295306_10151092582336209_154076204_n.jpg
The wise me says: If you don’t get lost in Venice, you’ve not been to Venice.
Saint Mark's Basilica (Basilica di San Marco) Blending the architectural styles of East and West, Venice's magnificent basilica was consecrated in 832 AD as an ecclesiastical building to house the remains of St. Mark. photo 197786_10151092585936209_265570122_n.jpg

Saint Mark’s Basilica (Basilica di San Marco)

Blending the architectural styles of East and West, Venice’s magnificent basilica was consecrated in 832 AD as an ecclesiastical building to house the remains of St. Mark.

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Pigeons and pop-corn.. Somehow I wish they can just stop feeding them. photo 553138_10151092588426209_1587008772_n.jpg
Palazzo Ducale
St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco) It is said that Napoleon called San Marco "the drawing room of Europe." And it is a breathtakingly beautiful place. photo 562797_10151092591886209_1857333998_n.jpg

Bridge of Sighs.

The Bridge of Sighs is a bridge in Venice. The enclosed bridge is made of white limestone and has windows with stone bars. It passes over the Rio di Palazzo and connects the old prisons to the interrogation rooms in the Doge’s Palace. It was designed by Antoni Contino (whose uncle Antonio da Ponte had designed the Rialto Bridge), and built in 1602.

Bridge of Sighs. The Bridge of Sighs is a bridge in Venice. The enclosed bridge is made of white limestone and has windows with stone bars. It passes over the Rio di Palazzo and connects the old prisons to the interrogation rooms in the Doge's Pala photo 539836_10151092594296209_952313589_n.jpg
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Paddy in Venice: "The boats are of the same colour as my coat!!" photo 552722_10151092592896209_1302524786_n.jpg
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People, people, everywhere.
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Presenting to you.. the leaning tower of Venice.This is the second leaning tower I’ve seen so far, apart from the Big Ben.
Presenting to you.. the leaning tower of Venice. This is the second leaning tower I've seen so far, apart from the Big Ben. photo 269376_10151092594986209_927808526_n.jpg
Playing with camera effects~
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Squid ink pasta! photo 413957_10151018550121209_1327913907_o.jpg
Spaghetti number 1936493 photo 241920_10151020540891209_1087167230_o.jpg
Seafood Risotto! photo 462611_10151020543066209_1570665125_o.jpg
 Paddington in Venezia~ photo 470879_10151018232101209_1086343106_o.jpg
Day 17 / Friday (Venice Day 2) 
Good morning Venice!
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Rialto Bridge

Probably the most visited and most photographed bridge in Venice, the Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto) opened in 1591. For nearly three hundred years, it was the only way to cross the Grand Canal on foot.

Rialto BridgeProbably the most visited and most photographed bridge in Venice, the Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto) opened in 1591. For nearly three hundred years, it was the only way to cross the Grand Canal on foot. photo 197799_10151092597951209_26776110_n.jpg photo 553268_10151092603501209_182477043_n.jpg photo 532203_10151092601476209_2058890412_n.jpg
In the olden days~
and so this was what venice looked like in the past. photo 209000_10151092599161209_389242661_n.jpg
Some market near Rialto Bridge
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Anyways, we bought a 12 hour Vaporetto (Water Bus) pass to get to Murano & Burano. One place is famous for glass-blowing and the other is for lace. Since Venice is.. not very interesting (if you don’t want to tour the palaces, museums.. you can consider exploring the islands!! )
(Don’t you find the cranes look so awkward here)
The king of the river. photo 295329_10151092607466209_276344914_n.jpg
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Took a ride on the vaporetto to the islands!
Sitting the Vaporetto (Water bus) to Murano + Burano. Burano: the one with glass blowing.Murano: the one which is famous for lace. photo 548629_10151092613681209_629641494_n.jpg
The legendary colourful houses =p (We were wondering. so the residents don’t get to decide what colours their houses have to be painted? and they even have to match the windows and curtains too.. Heh)
The legendary colourful houses. heh. photo 206123_10151092615256209_358714679_n.jpg
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Most expensive calamari done in the Singaporean style! *mac donalds garlic chilli*
Most expensive calamari done in the Singaporean style! *mac donalds garlic xhilli* photo 414401_10151020544966209_114559880_o.jpg
Cruising around the area..
Cruising around venice in the Vaporetto. (We bought a 12-hour pass) photo 250924_10151092616591209_746681140_n.jpg
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Sunset~ alright.. it haven’t set yet. (7pm)
Although it was already 7pm.. the sun was still high high high high high high up in the sky. photo 582198_10151092617546209_492970985_n.jpg
SUN-kissed buildings~
I like the sun-kissed buildings! photo 539773_10151092625426209_1383748026_n.jpg
Guess what i saw. the cruise of my intern company. LOL. i think the only have like 2-4 cruises in total. photo 251882_10151092618911209_536061700_n.jpg
the bridge to venice from mainland italy. photo 426219_10151092619376209_1339169484_n.jpg
Nice Dinner~~ by the way.. there’s such thing as “cover charge” in venice.. which means that it’s another way to make you pay more money..
I love squid ink pasta!
Calamari with squid ink pasta! Nice! photo 409714_10151020547941209_2007681676_n.jpg
Pizza number 2947392 photo 554468_10151020549276209_1447810262_n.jpg
There were quite a lot of asians in Venice.. I saw/hear koreans, japanese, malaysians and the list goes on.
Gelato or rather ice cream #3 (KINDER SURPRISE FLAVOUR and OMG IT IS TRUE TO ITS NAME) and it’s only $1.50 euros (Brandless)
Gelato number 193739 KINDER SURPRISE FLAVOUR photo 460480_10151025506576209_631787715_o.jpg
Well, Venice was not bad but a little too too too too touristy. people were everywhere and there isn’t any romantic atmosphere or anything of that sort as people are just everywhere!! Nevertheless, it felt like a really safe but expensive city.
Yes you should visit this place.. but would I visit it again? Probably not.. unless I manage to take part in the mask festivals.. heh.
See you in Florence!

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