Tutorial to enter korean music shows + Fan Sign


If you click on this post, i’m sure you are familiar with the 4 most popular music shows in Korea~

**Disclaimer: All my experiences are from Summer 2011. I am not sure of any new changes (if any) after that.

Every night: [Radio Show] Super Junior Kiss the Radio [KBS]

[Music Show]

Tuesday: The Show (SBS), Simply K-pop (Arirang)
Wednesday: Show Champion
Thursday: M Countdown
Friday: Music Bank
Saturday: Music Core
Sunday: Inkigayo

There are only 2-3 methods to enter korean music shows

(1) Winning tickets from the official broadcasting station
(2) Queuing under a fan club
(3) Start queuing very early – Only for M Countdown & Show Champion

Super Junior Kiss the Radio [KBS]

Every Night: 22:00 ~ 24:00
Website: http://www.kbs.co.kr/radio/coolfm/kiss/notice/index.html

Directions: National Assembly Station (Seoul Subway Line 9)

Exit 4
Coming out from exit. walk straight, turn right and walk towards the building (quite obvious, building with satellite and KBS logo
Facing the gate (security post), turn to your left and walk, then turn to the right (follow the fence of the place), then you will see this place with a lot of stairs (similar to 2d1n filming), walk up the stairs and you will see a lot of people.
Try to go earlier to get a good spot, otherwise (depending on the guests that night), you might have to stand really back.


First, I will be explaining on how to win the tickets officially from the broadcasting station~ This is only available for Music Bank, Music Core & Inkigayo.

**Disclaimer: It is really NOT EASY especially for foreigners.
If you check the result list, there are very few or almost no foreigner names.

(A) Music Bank

Every Friday, KST 17:50  @ KBS New Wing Open Hall

Directions: National Assembly Station (Seoul Subway Line 9)
Exit 4
3-min walk

Coming out from exit. walk straight, turn right and walk towards the building (quite obvious, building with satellite and KBS logo). Walk past the security into the carpark, and then turn right. There’s this really long flight of stairs and you walk up to the queuing area.

Alternatively, you can check out their backstage entrance. I’m thinking.. if you just want a glimpse of someone, stand there the whole day. I think that’s the only entrance/exit. Usually on Fridays there are tons of fans there, waiting and waiting for that golden moment.

Things to take note:

  1. Audience must be above 15 years old
  2. You need a registered KBS account – takes about one week to process (see steps below)
  3. You need a korean handphone number (I have not tried with a non-valid one before but if you succeed, let me know)
  4. You need an alien number
  1. Create a KBS account https://sso.kbs.co.kr/SSO/KBSWeb/foreign/ForeignSelect.aspx
    • Fill up your details accurately, especially your name (same as passport)
    • Attach an image of your passport.
    • You will receive an email from them saying that your subscription has been received.
    • Wait 3~7 days and you will receive another email which says that your membership is authorized
  2. REGISTRATION TIME (One week before) THURSDAY 9:00 ~ Friday 24:00
    Results: following Monday 17:00
    Example: 16 to 17 September (Thurs-Fri) Internet Reservation
    Mon, September 20th 17:00 check results
    Fri, September 24th – Live Show
  3. Visit KBS Music Bank Official website: http://www.kbs.co.kr/2tv/enter/musicbank/
    • Click http://www.kbs.co.kr/2tv/enter/musicbank/watch/invite/index.html
    • You will have to log in before filling up your details.
    • 주민 번호 Means Alien Number.
      • If you don’t have any, try your luck.. (Miracles may happen)
    • 전화번호/핸 드 폰 Means Contact number.
      Since I only had a HP line then, I filled the same for both.
    • 동반자 이름 (1인 필수) Means Companion Name (Only ONE)
      ** Please take note that accuracy of name is very important as they will check **
  4. Check for results: 당첨자 발표 http://www.kbs.co.kr/2tv/enter/musicbank/watch/issue/index.html
    • Scream if you see your name!
    • You may or may not receive a SMS reminder. (I received mine on thursday, one day before the show)
    • If you see the winners list, there are non-korean names!
      Do not lose hope! It might just be YOU!

(B) Music Core

Saturdays KST 3:00PM
I’ve never attended Music Core nor won tickets for the show.. So pardon me if I make any mistakes.
Directions: Take the Metro to Jeong Bal San Station (Line 3)
** Please take note that it is quite far from main Seoul. The long train ride takes about 50 mins.
Follow directions in the map and walk towards M City
  1. Create a MBC account http://member.imbc.com/User/Join.html
    • Fill up your details accurately, especially your name (same as passport)
    • Attach an image of your passport. (I can’t remember if you need this step)
    • You will receive an email from them saying that your subscription has been received.
    • Wait 3~7 days and you will receive another email which says that your membership is authorized
  2. REGISTRATION TIME: Thursday (prev week) 13:00 to Thursday(following week) 12:00
    Results out: Thursday 17:00 of the same week
  3. Visit MBC Official website: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/musiccore/index.html
  4. Check for results: http://quiz.imbc.com/user/template/quiz_join_frm.asp?MstDiv=35&SvcDiv=118
    • Click on the post which looks something like [11/9/17] 방청권 당첨자 안내
    • You may or may not receive a SMS reminder
    • Well, if you back-trek the winners list.. I’ve never seen a foreigner name before..
      So, I am really unsure if foreigner can really win tickets..
      Let me know if you managed to!

(C) Inkigayo

Sundays KST 15:50
Directions: Metro to Gayang Station (line 9) Exit 10 Facing the road, walk towards your left. Should reach after crossing 2 roads. About 3-5 mins walk. very near! There will be a lot of fans queuing up on Sundays and I’m sure you won’t miss it.
  1. Create a SBS account https://sbscert.sbs.co.kr/login/member/join/agree.jsp
    • Fill up your details accurately, especially your name (same as passport)
    • Attach an image of your passport.
    • You will receive an email from them saying that your subscription has been received.
    • Wait 3~7 days and you will receive another email which says that your membership is authorized
  2. REGISTRATION TIME: Thursday (prev week)  to Wednesday (following week)
    Results out: Thursday 15:00 of the same week
  3. Visit SBS Inkigayo Official website: http://tv.sbs.co.kr/gayo/
    • Click 인기가요 방청가기
    • Then you will have to log into your SBS account.
    • Select the date from the scroll bar
    • Press the button in the middle to submit your application.
  4. Check for results: http://tv.sbs.co.kr/gayo/
    • Log in after clicking on 인기가요 방청가기
    • Left column, Under 등촌동으로 click 당첨확인
    • Select the date from the scroll bar
    • Click 확인하지
    • If you see this: 금주에는 당첨이 되지 않으셨습니다.
      다음 공개방송의 방청권을 신청해주시기 바랍니다.
      It means that you did not win =(
    • I have not won before.. so I am unsure what will come out if you win.. but reading from the information given, you can actually print out your tickets & arrive before 3pm on the day itself with photo ID
      Participants must be more than 13 years old

(D) M! Countdown

Thursdays KST 18:00
(A) Metro: Digital Media Station (Line 6) Exit 9, After exiting, continue walking straight all the way until you see this junction and a green field. Turn left after that and walk straight, then look towards your right. You should be able to spot CJ building (really tall building).
(B) Hongik (Hongdae) Station (line 2) Exit from exit 1 or 2, and go to the bus stop (there’s dunking donuts behind the bus stop if you need some breakfast). Take Bus #7016 or #7711. Please use google maps before taking the bus as you need to know exactly where to stop. I kind of used GPS.
I prefer the Hongdae + bus choice because the walk from the MRT is really far >_<
So.. the official timing for the guards (Man in Black) to pass the name list is at 8am. HOWEVER, fans usually queue hours before (aka over night). EVEN SO, I heard that at 8am, the queue (if any) gets really messy and who knows what will happen =/ Thus.. Good Luck, you really need it.
After your name is on the list, you MUST be back at the SAME PLACE BEFORE 5PM.
PLEASE TAKE THE TIME ISSUE VERY SERIOUSLY or you might just get your name strike off.
** I personally witnessed someone’s name got cancelled because she went to the toilet. Despite her friend telling the guard that she went to the toilet, and that the woman was RUNNING back while the guard was still taking attendance for the rest of the people, she was helpless despite her pleas to the guard, who just ignored her totally.
Priority of entrance:
(1) Special Privilleges (Students/Elderly/Random Groups who receive official privileges)
(2) People on the name list
(3) Fan Clubs (Determined by scissors paper stone by fan club representative)

(E) Simply Kpop

Filming is usually done on Tuesdays and it is usually pre-recording. They have several sessions available and you have to register according to the time slots that you wish to attend.
You can look for the information at the following website”
Following the instructions accordingly:
*Announcements for TICKETS: Referred to Homepage. Participants Name, Phone Number , Email, and number of Participants are needed.
(All four information are needed otherwise the request will not be confirmed)* When you write subject, please check the PART 1 or PART 2 which you want to join.For those of you who will be joining our taping, the confirmation mail will be sent on Monday evening.
After confirming the information given, you may join.Please read notice and write in form we have given
***** 1. please write “6/25 pre-recording ticket PART 1 or 2” on the title
***** 2. please write how many tickets you need
***** 3. please write your email address and phone number
(I have not tried this before.. but I guess it’s one of the easiest music shows to apply tickets for)

(F) Show Champion

This is a live show, which happens every Wednesday at 6pm. There are no tickets to the show and it is on a first come first serve procedure..
Locations is at:  UNIQLO-AX (Seoul, Gwangjin Gwangjang 319-33)
This show started only in Jan 2013 and I don’t have any chance to attend it yet.

(G) The Show (SBS)

I’ve recently discovered that you can actually buy tickets to watch music shows if you purchase them together with a studio tour (What a great way to profit, but for people who Travel all the way to Korea just for K-pop, this is your best bet!).

Location: Currently at SBS Prism Tower, but will change to Ilsan Bitmaru from 25 April 2017.

Official Website where you can check the line-up: http://program.sbs.co.kr/builder/programMainList.do?pgm_id=22000006194

How to purchase tickets?

I’ve done a few research on the various re-seller and realise that the cheapest tickets are sold at TRAZY!

Prices are accurate as at Apr 2017.

I haven’t attended this show yet but from the reviews, it seems pretty straightforward.

********** END OF FIRST SEGMENT ***********

How to enter with the fan clubs

Although music shows are ‘live’, some performances are actually pre-recorded.
To differentiate whether a performance has been pre-recorded or not, take a look at the stage setting. Those complicated stage settings, with a lot of props and the audience can stand all over, is usually pre-recorded. Pre-recording can take place in the morning, or even one day before.

*If an artiste is scheduled for pre-recording, they may NOT be present for the live show. I would say it happens 10-20% of the time.

Also, do take note that when queuing under fan clubs, usually you are REQUIRED to bring a copy of the latest album from the artiste (To prove your loyalty). Only “Normal Edition” is allowed. Sometimes, they will open up your album to check for the CD. Please do not bring your special edition.

So the first step you have to do is to find out whether the artiste you are queuing for is doing a ‘live’ show or a pre-recording.

In order to find out schedules of the artistes. Usually information can be found from their official website or official fan club (aka Fan Cafe @ Daum)

Creating a Daum account: http://www.daum.net/

  1. Register: https://user.daum.net/joinuser/welcome.do?t__nil_loginbox=registration
  2. Click on the last one, which means ‘Simple Signup’
  3. Tick the boxes and click on the blue button to go the next page.
  4. Use your intuition to fill it up. (Joking; do a google search and there are guidelines)
    ID, Password, Repeat Password, Name (Try to use Real Name), Gender & Email.
    * You will have to verify your email with a code
  5. YOU’RE NOT DONE YET! Some or rather most fan clubs require you to verify your account in order to join. Please follow this link to learn how to verify your account. I got lazy =p

Look for the fan cafe of the artiste which you wish to see.

I found this really useful link: http://kpoplists.tumblr.com/post/3637642175

** Tip: Try not to choose an artiste which has an OFFICIAL & PAID FAN CLUB MEMBERSHIP. This includes 2PM, B2st, KHJ, …  If there’s an official fan club and you’re not a member, you’ll be the LAST in priority in the queue. Meaning, even if you come at 6am in the morning, you will be behind an official member even though she comes at 12 noon.

Most Cafes will ask you a simple question before you can join. Just google and usually you will find the answer.

I’m gonna use B2ST as an example, but I guess think thrice before queuing for B2ST because they have an official paid membership. and if you’re wondering if you can join.. the answer is NO, as the application only opens ONCE A YEAR, and for 2011-2012, it was only available for koreans or people with a social security number.

Once you have successfully become a member, click 공방공지 for their official announcements related to their events.

So for example, i clicked this event and this is what i see..

2011년 05월 20일 (금) KBS 뮤직뱅크

방송 시작 시간 – PM 06:05 ~

사전 녹화 시간 – AM 11:00 ~ (Fiction)

인원 체크 시간 – AM 10:00 ~

공개 방송 장소 – 여의도 KBS 신관 공개홀

Looking at the timing and intuition, I will know that it is a pre-recording as the actual show only starts at PM 6:05, yet there’s 2 other timings available.. which means that AM 11:00 is the recording time and AM 10:00 is the time they will take attendance.

and so you must be wondering, do i really come only at 10 AM? Once again, the answer is NO!!

And let’s compare to another event details, and this is an example of a ‘live’ show.

2011년 06월 10일 (금) KBS 뮤직뱅크

방송 시작 시간 – PM 06:05 ~

인원 체크 시간 – PM 04:30 ~

공개 방송 장소 – 여의도 KBS 신관 공개홀

생방송 시 팬클럽 30명 입장이 가능합니다.

You only see 2 timings, instead of 3. and then you see that magical number “30” This means that only 30 fans are allowed into the ‘live’ show and honestly you should just give up, if this is for b2st.

Pre-recording vs Live Show

What happens during a pre-recording? 

(1) More fans can be accommodated such that the studio will look “filled” when they are filming. Sometimes, other fan clubs might be invited to watch other artistes performances in order to fill up the studio.

(2) Usually there will be at least 2 recordings because people are usually not satisfied with their first attempt. There may be slight interaction between the artiste and the audience. They have the time to talk and provide fan service etc. However, if the artiste keep making mistakes, there will be more recordings and of course you’ll get to see them longer! Usually, debut/comeback stage will have more recordings.

Will I be able to attend more than one pre-recording?

It depends. Sometimes, if the artiste is not that popular and there’s still “vacancies”, the fan club officials may let you join the queue even without an album. Try looking for the officials. They will have a lanyard around their neck with a picture of the artiste. Do not be surprised! Some of these officials look really young! However, I found out from my friend that the minimum age for application is 18. Speak to them, and pray hard they can speak english. Usually there will be 2-5 of them around.

(Just for your info: These officials are volunteers and they probably volunteered so that they can get to see their artiste for sure. Usually they are quite nice and don’t be afraid to approach them.)

Will you be able to attend the live show after that?  

Usually if an artiste is doing a pre-recording, the fan club will only have 30 tickets for the live show, and usually it will be on a first-come-first-serve basis (and subjected to official membership).

Will the artiste attend the live show after that? 

80% of the time, the artiste will attend the live show. But usually they will lip sync or have a friendly interaction with the audience. The pre-recorded scene will be shown on tv. However, the artiste will get off the stage slightly earlier, so that the next artiste can prepare for their live performances.

20% of the time, the artiste MAY have other schedules and thus not be present during the live show. It happened for 2PM during M!Countdown this summer (2011), and no one was on the stage during the live show, while they played their pre-recorded clip in the background.

Queuing System for fan clubs

There are different rules for different fan clubs, but i’ll just explain some of the rules.

BEFORE the official queue timing as stated on the official cafe, there will be an “unofficial but official” queue formed by volunteers who self-declare that they are the first in the queue line. These unofficial but official queues may start up to 24 hours before the actual queue line, and it is difficult to get information on these queues as they are only spread on like twitter accounts.

In my own experience, my friend informed me about the early queue from a twitter post, and I had to go down to the place, after 1pm to write my name on a name list. (Despite being less than 1 hour later than the start time, i was already 60+ on the list)  After which, it was followed by a roll call at 10pm, before the actual queue at 8am the next day.

Alright, apart from the minus 24 hours queue system, most queues will take place very early in the morning. There will be a self-declared in charge (il-bon: which means #1 person), and she will have a notebook or name list where you write your name down. Then, they will tell you a time to gather. I heard that it could be quite messy as people will just crowd around the in charge and even though you come at 5am, you might be squeezed out by other people. So, good luck.

After you write your name down, you are allowed to do anything you want, but please go back to the gathering place at the stipulated time. they are very on time.  i repeat, VERY ON TIME. If you’re late, the “self-declared #1” may strike your name off. And so they will start screaming your names out loud and start the queue. The #1 needs a loud voice.. Sometimes her friend will help her out. My difficulty was that I couldn’t hear their pronunciation clearly (no korean name). My trick was that.. I counted the number of people she called. Meaning I counted 60 names, and then started paying attention to the names she called. They will usually say your name and end of with a “shii”. Example, Emily-shii.

The unofficial but official queue will usually be formed 30~90 mins before the official timing as stated on the daum cafe; depending on the number of fans.

So.. even if you’re at the front of the queue, that’s not the end of your worries.. There’s still a ranking system when the real officials come.

(This is only an example, different fan clubs have very different rules, with regards to what items you need. Do check it out on their daum cafe. Usually, it is stated.)
For FT Island, there are 4 items on their checklist: Official Membership (Card or Receipt of Payment), Flag (Official Prima Dona Yellow Flag), Music Download Proof ; Printed out (Can be from iTunes), Latest Album (Normal Edition).

You will be ranked according to the number of items you own. For example if you have all 4 items, you will be rank 1-1(first person), 1-2(2nd person) and so on. If you have 3 items, you will be rank 2-1. If you are the first in line, but you only have one item, you will be given the rank of (4-1). For most fan clubs, they use a black marker and draw on your hand, but for 2PM they give stickers.

After everyone is lined up accordingly to the ranks, the officials will start counting. It can really be a nightmare as sometimes they do not reveal how many fans are allowed entry.. and you might get a heart attack if it cuts right in front of you =S (Can you imagine, you queued up the whole day and you get denied entry. IT DOES HAPPEN, in fact a lot of times, especially to foreigners who don’t do enough research – i.e. ignorant about official membership.)

So, if you’ve done your homework well and you’re really lucky, off you go! to see your beloved celebrity!


  1. Unless you know korean, always try to drag a friend who knows korean and can be your translator. Otherwise, copy down useful questions in hangul; google translate it yourself
    (i.e. What fan club queue is this? What time do we have to be back? )
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask. My first question will usually be “English?” and I pray that some kind soul nearby will offer translation services. I was really lucky as the korean beside me could speak quite good English. We ended up becoming friends.
  3. Research & Plan, Research & Plan, Research & Plan and Good Luck!
Do share with me your experiences if I have helped you in any way!
It took me a few months to draft out this entry and I really hope it is useful =)

********* end of section 2 **********

Attending a Fan Sign in Korea

There are 2 shops – synnara & hottracks that host fan-signing events. There might be more but I am not sure.What is the fan sign about?
In korea, fan-signs are very exclusive closed-door event where only 100~150 people can attend.
In order to attend the event, you have to purchase the album(s) within this specific time frame ( 2-7 days) So when you buy the album, they will give you this lucky draw coupon to fill up.
If you buy 10 albums, you have to fill it up 10 times >_<
According to my friend (I have not verified this news yet), if you purchase from synnara, if you purchase 10 albums, they will staple your 10 coupons together. Thicker stack of paper => higher chance of your stack getting chosen. However, if you buy from hot tracks, it will really be one album = one chance.** Please use Google Chrome and install auto google translate!Hottracks: http://info.hottracks.co.kr/company/main
Look at the left side, click on the event or if you see the word autograph or something. If you have the auto google translate, i’m sure you will see some words like “fan” or even your celebrity names.Synnara: http://www.synnara.co.kr/jump/fp/music/page.do?cmd=musicMain&menu=1
Look at the left side for this word “Notice” and click on “More” to see the whole list of notice.Deciphering the Korean:
(Hottracks uses image so you have to decipher it yourself; you really need to know a bit of korean or get someone to help you. Otherwise, maybe intuition would be good enough =p)
(Synnara: you can google translate)Example:
(Hottracks) The title of the page would be something likeinformation post: [영등포점&목동점] CNBLUE 팬사인회 => [location of store(s) you have to purchase the album from]
팬사인회 => Fan sign meetingwinners list: [영등포점, 목동점] CNBLUE 사인회 당첨자 명단 => [location of store(s) you have to purchase the album from] 당첨자 => “de jiang zhe” winner 명단 => “ming dan” list

The title: 샤이니/미니앨범4집_셜록 발매기념 팬 사인회 [춘천] => (Shinee/Mini album no.4_Sherlock Fan Sign Meeting [Chun Cheon (Place of event)]

장소 (location of fan sign): 춘천 청소년 수련관 공연장

l  멤버 (members attending) : 민호, 온유, 종현, 태민 (everyone except key)

l  일시 : 2012년04월04일(수) 05:00pm (date and time – 4th of April, 5pm)

l  참여방법 : 03월29일부터 04월 01일 까지 샤이니/미니앨범4집_셜록 앨범을 신나라 온라인몰에서 구매하시는 고객중 150명 추첨!! (You have to purchase the album between 29th Mar and 1st April at the specific store) 

l  당첨자 확인 :04월 03일 신나라 쇼핑몰 05:00pm http://www.synnara.co.kr ) 에 공지합니다. (Winners will be announced at 3rd April 5pm on their website)

l  진행방법 : 당첨되신 고객은04월04일 사인회 장소에서 03:00pm부터 본인 확인 후(신분증지참) 선착순으로 사인회에 참여할 수 있는 번호표를 드립니다. (you have to collect your ticket from 3pm  on 4th Apr)

*주의 및 안내

–                     대리자 수령이 불가합니다(당첨자 본인만 수령가능) (Only the person with the name written on the coupon can take part in the fan sign, name has to be verified against photo identification card)


–                     사인회 참석 하시는 분은 구매하신 앨범 번호표를 필히 지참하여 주시기 바랍니다.

–          번호표 복제 및 분실 시 사인회에 참여 할 수 없으며, 본 사인회로 구입한 CD는

–          교환 또는 환불이 불가 합니다.

–          본 행사는 진행 사 사정에 따라 사전고지 없이 일부 변경 및 취소 될 수 있습니다.

Is it really worth it? 

You have to spend a lot of money in order to have a higher chance of being selected. However, there might be a possibility that the money may be a waste. I’ve heard of instances whereby a person bought 10 albums and didn’t manage to get in but there’s this young girl who bought 1 and got in. There’s a lot of luck involved.

**TIP: Try to ask around if anyone wants to buy the album from you? I sold/gave away my albums at highly discounted price. better than letting it rot at home. haha.

What can you do inside?

Strict rules on no photography applies. You can try using “Sneaky Camera” app =p

1 to 1 interaction with the idols! which means, you can ask them to write your name, sign on somewhere else other than the album, shake their hands, (i’m not sure if hugs are allowed, but it really depends on the person and the event organizer), give them gifts (which could amount to huge huge huge boxes), ask them questions, see them up close and personal..

They usually do not perform. they just come in, greet you and start signing. Maybe along the way they might take the microphone and start talking randomly but usually it isn’t the case. Event will end in about an hour or so since there’s only about 150 people each time.


I have done it once and I hope and I don’t want to see myself doing it again. It’s too expensive and the amount of anxiety and stress I had in deciding how many albums to buy, putting the coupons into the draw box, checking the results, thinking of what to give the, what to say to them, the after effects, the trouble of selling or even thinking of who to give the album to, … once is enough =/ it is such a sweet memory which rings in my mind sometimes and it is definitely something i can smile about.

Good luck to anyone trying =) All the best!

** THE END **

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  • Hi~ Thanks for your guide to apply music show live ticket. Regarding apply ticket for KBS Music bank, to fill in Alien number (주민 번호
    ) means identity number, right? First box in 6 digits, 2nd box is 1 digit, follow by xxxxxx. If my malaysia identity number is 800211-09-8976, how to fill in? Please advise me. I will apply ticket on 3may because i’m going korea soon. Please help me. Thank you very much!

  • Hi~ Can we watch inkigayo live braodcast thru the above sbs inkigayo website? If can, how to watch online live braodcast? Please advise. Thank you very much.

    • Hi there, I don’t think you can watch the show in the website.

      You can do a google to find other live streaming links. There’s quite a few online.

  • Hi! Thank you for this tutorial, it’s very helpful.
    I’ve got a question about fansigns… If you win a fansign ticket, you’ll get there anyway, right? Like, there’s no need to come very-very early and stand in a queue or something like this?

    • Hey~

      Usually (unless otherwise stated), you can just report directly to the fan sign location and there should be people in charge. They will verify your photo ID against the winners’ list.

      Most of the times, you will be assigned a number (about 1 to 250) and this will be your queue number when you are going to see them. However, there are times when you will get to choose your own queue number (so if you want to be the first or last, you can go early to choose the number)

      After collecting the queue numbers, there will be people there to direct you. Don’t worry =)

  • Hi! Thanks for all the information. I signed up for a KBS account, but didn’t include my middle name when I registered. However, it does show up on my passport. Do you think they will care that I didn’t include my middle name? They did approve of the passport that I scanned and sent to them, so I’m just wondering. Thanks.

    • Also, when you put your companion’s name for applying for Music Bank, does the name have to be a specific format? like SURNAME FIRSTNAME or can you just put First and Last name like usual?

      • i don’t think the first and last name thing matters because asians do it differently.. so this would not be something that they will be fussy about!

  • Thanks so much for replying! So I’m trying to sign up for Music Bank, but when I press the middle button, it takes me to this error page in Korean. I don’t think it went through. Have you experienced this before? Do you know if you’re supposed to get to a confirmation page? Thanks for all your help.

    • i don’t know for sure.. but is it that you didn’t apply according to the time restrictions?

      The application is only open for 2 days!
      (One week before) THURSDAY 9:00 ~ Friday 24:00

      and.. it’s korean timing too!

      • Yeah, I made sure that it was between that time. I tried it probably at least 15 times and I kept getting the same error page. =/ But thanks for replying to me so quickly! =)

  • Hi! Firstly, thumbs up and big thanks to your post! It has been pretty informative for me! However, there is something I am unsure of, can you please advise me? I understand about the hottracks 150 winning list. There is a fansign for TeenTop on 26th march, which is still 14 days away. However when I go to the hottracks website, it shows a list of 150 people. Is that the winning list? I am just wondering how come it release so fast, I thought we can still take part as long as we buy the album and send the coupon by 3 or 4 days before the fansign?

    Your reply will be much appreciated!


    • Hi there,

      I think there’s 2 fan signs going on for teen top. One is for 19 and the other is on 26th. The results that you have seen is for the 19th.

      However, I notice that the purchase information for both fan signs are the same.. which is from 6th to 9th march. i’m not sure if it’s a typo though.. but if it isn’t a typo, perhaps there’s no chance for it anymore.

      have you checked out the other websites like synarra? or get their schedule off the daum cafe? maybe there’s still something else to attend?

      • Hi! Thanks so much for your help and reply! Appreciate it a lot!!! It has been really informative! I am leaving Korea on 1st April so I cant go for the one in Busan on 6th April ㅠㅠ Hmm the ones you mentioned su won, ooi jeong bu and gwangju do they all fall before 1st April? And are they inside Seoul? I know Su Won is in Seoul, but the other 2, not very sure :/ By the way is your friend a Korean Teentop fan? Because I need more info on their schedules and how to attend and such. Would be great if is it possible for you to refer me your friend. Hope to hear from you again. Once again, thank you so so much!!!!! ^^

        • Nope my friend isn’t a teen top fan. She just helped me checked the information on the fan site.. I think you can try to join their official cafe? Usually information can be found inside there.

    • Hi there, you can try putting this address through daum maps or google maps: 서울 특별시 중구 명동길 53

      I have a feeling that synarra is a level 2 shop, on top of olive young. but.. i am not 100% sure of it.. sorry =(

  • Hi there, this is very helpful. Thank you for your kindness in sharing and guiding kpop fans like me.
    Have a good day. 🙂

  • Hi! Thanks for your helpful post. I went to the fansign websites, and I was wondering how long before will the websites know the fansignings. For example, will they have any fansignings in August for 2pm or EXO? I’m trying to plan ahead. Thanks!

  • Hi, I have a question in regards to applying tickets for music core and music bank. I think music core has revamp their website and I could no longer see this option 방청권 신청 anymore. How do I go about apply it? Hope you can assist me 🙂

    • Hi there,

      I have not tried applying for music show tickets in a long while so I am really not sure. As for the music bank application, I think there might be a problem with the kbs website.. I’ve tried to log in properly but the page simply refreshes again and again asking me to log in..

      As for the korean hp number, I think (not very certain) it is mandatory for the application.

      Good luck for the tickets!

  • Thank you so much for this post it really is going to help when I go in December. And a question you know for show champion is there a way one can get VIP tickets? Or for any of the shows can someone get VIP tickets for the live?

  • HI! Thank you so much for the help <3 I would like to ask a question to you~
    I'll be going to Seoul on 8th May for about 5 days to stay in Seoul. Infinite will have their comeback on April, and I'm really hoping to attend for their fansign! But from what I've observed from above, the date between the purchase date and the fansign date are quite faraway……… (the teen top case) do you think I would be able to enter at that time if there was any fansigns event? Your reply will be very much appreciated <3 Thank you~ (and just curious, how many albums did you buy for the fansign to you got in?)

    • Hi Renee.
      Thanks for dropping by my blog 🙂 For the fan sign details, you really wouldn’t know until the news is announced in their fan cafe. Sometimes the news will be released early, and the time frame to purchase is longer. However, sometimes fan signs can just pop up suddenly, with a short time frame of 3 to 5 days. Sometimes, fan signs would not even happen close to their comeback as it is dependent on how tight their schedule is. I can only advise you to pray really hard!

      For me, I was quite lucky as the news for the fan sign I attended was very sudden and it was more than a month after their comeback. This would mean that most fans have already splurged their money on the first few fan signs and lesser there would be lesser “competition”.

      Just keep track of their daum cafe, hot tracks & synarra websites. They are usually the main organizer.

      Good Luck 🙂

  • Hey,thank you for posting this helpful post,I know this was posted so long ago,but i would like to ask do i still need a KBS account if i am just planning to wait at the backstage entrance like you said to catch a glimpse of the idols?Or will i be able to see them at the carpark?I’m not planning to enter the hall to watch the recording…And also,what time should i be there if i want to see them?

    • Hi Liyi, thanks for visiting 🙂 With regards to your question, you don’t need anything to visit the backstage entrance. however, there might be chances that the place may be blocked for whatever reason. i haven’t been there in 3 years so I am unsure about any changes that might have happen. Also, there isn’t any recommended time for you to be there unless you know what time your idol is performing. It might be a pre-recorded show as early as 7am or they could just perform during the live show only.

      Good luck and hope you get to see then!

      • Thank you for replying!! I will try my best then and it depends on fate too lol whether i get to see them or not haha!! Thanks again!!

  • hi thank you for sharing,im from indonesia
    next week im going to seoul and really want watch kbs since i already join to be member
    but….why when i try to log in it doesnt came out when i klik blue button its going back to fill ID and password
    so thats mean i cant apply from my country?

  • hi i recently applied for music bank
    i just want to know whether i am selected as the winner since i cant read hangul
    can u help me
    can u email me ifanything tq

    • Hi there, I don’t think I am able to help you check on your application as you need to login with your account to check.
      You can try using chrome and the google translate plugin to help you translate the website. I can’t really read hangul either..